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Jan. '23- THE RAT KING Podcast Release

So excited to share that the fictional thriller podcast I recorded over the summer, THE RAT KING, is now available to listen to on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or whereever you stream your podcasts from! Listen for me as the Narrator, taking you through this crazy tale in seven episodes!

The Rat King

Written by LR Wild

Produced by The Shrill Collective

Directed by Chelsea Feltman and Ash Croce

Audio Engineering and Sound Design by Brando Kress

Music Composed, Recorded, and Produced by Chelsea Feltman, Tim Leonard, and Brando Kress

Cover Art and Logo by Samantha Ferello

CAST: Stephanie LaVardera, Kelly Grago, Daniel Van Thomas, Fernando Vieira, Karen Laven, Richard Fisher, Dina Laura, Sheree Wichard, Al Pagano, and Rachel Feltman


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