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Summer 2021 Updates

What have I been up to? Take a look....

  • In May, I booked and recorded a voiceover gig, voicing a character in a sizzle reel for a film!

  • I also have a new commercial demo! You can listen here!

  • Also in May/Early June, I got to teach Shakespeare with Northern Stage's BridgeUp Program! I spent 5 weeks (virtually) in classrooms throughout Vermont and New Hampshire, exploring A Midsummer Night's Dream and creating a final video project with each class

  • I'm also super excited that for the first two week of July, I'll actually be IN New Hampshire, teaching the Upper Camp program at the Winnipesauke Playhouse! (and revisiting my childhood roots as I went to summer camp in NH as a kid! :)

  • And I started a playreading group?! Not intentional, and perhaps a pandemic by-product, I'm currently reading a new play every week and sharing it on instagram! I'm also hosting a discussion group about the plays every month, and planning out some cool themes and potential playwight interviews, so if you wanna join me for that drop your email here!



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